I Caught a Pet Chicken in Minecraft


Video transcript:

OK guys,

little b: So I went back in here because I got mad at Big B.

Big B: We’re doing nothing by the way.

little b: We’re doing something. By calling her friend well…

Big B: See, she got mad at me.


little b: Shut up!

Big B: Stop Bianca!

little b: Shut up!

Big B: Stop!

little b: OK, So, I don’t know why I pushed this button. Bat, bat, why is there a bat? Why was there a bat? And where did the bat go?

I know what I’m going to do with the bat. I’m going to try something with it. Hopefully it works! But hopefully I can find him!

Little bat? Ah, found him. I have to go by him first. Then, wait. Little bat? Little bat? The little bat is gone. I needed him for a little experiment. I think I found where the little bat came from.

OK. Any other little bats? Are you a little bat? No. I need a little bat. Have any of you seen a little bat? Hmmm. I need a little bat.

OK, so, I found a spider! I don’t think that will work though.

Wait a second, I just had an idea. I need a fishing rod.


Ah, shoot.

Oh, this chicken would work. C’mon chicken! Let’s fly! So we’re going to fly way up in the sky chicken, got that? I’m not going to let go of you! Bye best friend! I’m waiting for it. Best friend? Best friend is gone.

Well, best friend is gone. Best friend? Best friend is coming down. While she does that, I’m just going to find an anvil. Get some brown wool. And guys, you’re going to see what I’m doing.



I’m going to sleep with poop.

I love my best friend poop. But chick-a-dee, chick-a-dee is my bestest best friend.

There, can you hear me now?

Big B: Nope!

little b: What?

OK, that was cray-cray.

So, there’s a creeper. And chick-a-dee. You are gonna live with me chick-a-dee. Ready Chick-a-dee bawk bawk? His name is bawk bawk.

OK, so let’s see. Um, we’re going to need to give her, her litter box. So let’s just put all the stuff up here. I have way too crowded inventory, like way, way too crowded inventory.

So, Chick-a-dee bawk. Here are the rules. You have to go poo in your litter box. Got that Chick-a-dee-bawk-bawk? OK, good.

Bed. Another thing you gotta do is make sure Chick-a-Dee -Bawk-Bawk if you need to go, go in your litter box. Ah, your litter box isn’t here yet Chick-a-Dee-Bawk-Bawk. And Chick-a-Dee-Bawk-Bawk, we are going to go for walks, don’t worry Chick-a-Dee-Bawk. But come on already Chick-a-Dee-Bawk-Bawk. I need to make your litter box.

So let’s just put sand here now put down these, maybe put some sand over here just in case Chick-a-Dee-Bawk-Bawk has to go on the thing. OK, there you go Chick-a-Dee-Bawk-Bawk. So that’s your litter box. She’s going to sleep on the carpet and since I have an egg–

Big B: [inaudible] They’re actually really good.

little b: Hmmm, I don’t want it. I don’t want it.

OK, so. Let’s just– Here Chick-a-Dee-Bawk-Bawk. Chick-a-Dee-Bawk-Bawk here! Now that you have her or him, we don’t know yet. We are going to– Oh, Chick-a-Dee-Bawk-Bawk has to go.

Oh and Chick-a-Dee-Bawk-Bawk I sleep upstairs and Chick-a-Dee-Bawk-Bawk I sleep upstairs so if you need to sleep with me just climb the ladder and so now let’s just make that and make that and that. C’mon already.

Seriously? Why can’t they finally, finally. I’m just gonna put them down. Chick-a-Dee-Bawk-Bawk!

Two eggs! They could be twins. My gosh! OK so, Chick-a-Dee-Bawk-Bawk, you cannot lay any more eggs. Got that Chick-a-Dee-Bawk? Now, I’m going to have your little bathroom lit up so if you need to go, it’s already lit and here’s just another little candle. And Chick-a-Dee-Bawk-Bawk, Chick-a-Dee-Bawk-Bawk In case you need to come upstairs and it’s dark, here’s a candle, also known as a torch inside of the chest Chick-a-Dee-Bawk-Bawk.

Let me guess, my dogs are going to start barking.

No puppies. OK then.


OK, my cat must have attacked him. OK then. OK so Chick-a-Dee-Bawk-Bawk will of course need little toys so now she’s a grown chicken. So we’re going to need to get her eggs and put them, make a little incubator and it’s going to be really hot like, really, really hot.

Mama B! Mama B! Mama B!

OK, so, there’s Mama B! Ah!


OK, let’s just grab this, this too, and also grab–

My lips are dry!

–also grab, where is the tile? Where’s the tile?

Ooh! Mine! Mine! Yummy yummy!

Big B: Can I try yours Bianca?

little b: Sure! But first, let me take a selfie! Let me make my incubator. Incubator. Incubator.


Big B: I’m going to see if Giselle and Dominise can play.

little b: All right, so I’m just, what block should we have for the incubator? Tile! Why are there two tiles? I don’t care. Let’s just– I get this Oh maybe I shouldn’t have lava. Cause look, my house is wooden. It’s like full on wood.

Maybe, maybe, maybe I could have, where is it, to make it burn. We could have a torch on the tile. I could actually in our bathroom, why would someone mention a bathroom? But, um, in our bathroom we have like, heat tile. I don’t know what it’s called but it’s like heat tile. So, I don’t know what it’s called.

So according to the chicken law, we have to get this instead of pane glass because according to chicken law, we will have to, the chickens could escape from this apparently from the other stuff, but no they can’t.

But, apparently this is just the incubating life. So now that the eggs are all ready, we have to put them in there and once they are ready, they will hatch into little baby chickys.

And there goes Big B.

Mm! This stuff is pretty delish!

Big B: Let me try!

little b: OK. Just take a sip! Hey! It tastes kind of like caffeine free tea. Kind of though. But guys, don’t worry, I said caffeine- FREE.

Eating. Eating! Eating.

Mama Chick-a-Dee came to check on her little babies in the incubator. All right! How are they doing? OK, they are doing good.

It goes laggy then not laggy. Laggy, then not laggy. Laggy! It’s cray-cray!

Big B: It’s laggy?

little b: It’s laggy then it goes not laggy.

Big B: Really?

little b: So, let’s see. Just get all this ready. Seriously, Chick-a-Dee? No more laying eggs in the litter box! You have to do it in the incubator Chick-a-Dee. Is she crazy? I think so.

So let’s just throw those in there. Wait! I got an idea guys! So when the little chick-a-dees hatch, there’s already a fence so all three of them can just get out if they want.

Like, this is the way to throw them in without breaking the incubator!



Mm. I’m healthy with a diet of Ramen and a diet of water drink thing. I don’t know what it’s called.

Awww, mama Chick-a-Dee. You like your little babies. I don’t feel safe. Cause mama Chick-A-Dee, she still, wait. She still needs food and water. So let’s just get her that.

So instead of having a dog or cat, we’re having a little Chick-A-Dee. Four chick-a-dees.

Big B: Why would you subscribe to this guy?

little b: Brielle! She unsubscribing the guy who I subscribed to!

mama B: What?

Big B: It’s on my side!

mama B: Anca, are you still, OK what’s the problem?

Big B: She subscribed to a guy on my side.

little b: I’m making a video now!

OK, so Mama Chick-A-Dee. I feel bad for Mama Chick-A-Dee. She can’t stay with her babies. And it’s because they need to be warm and safe, not under her wing. I’m just going to let Mama-Chick-A-Dee in there just for a little while though. Go on. Go on in. Go on in. That’s Mama Chick-A-Dee.

Oh, Mama-Chick-A-Dee. It’s turning night time! OK so, Mama-Chick-A-Dee, the best Mama-Chick-A-Dee in the world! So, Mama-Chick-A-Dee she doesn’t have the new no, the special feather but she does have a perfect score on her hmm, what’s it called? On her mama education.



Mama-Chick-A-Dee. You wanna get out? C’mon Mama-Chick-A-Dee. Do you want some, I don’t know, seeds? I bet she does, so I’m just going to lure her out with some seeds. Hey Mama-Chick-A-Dee! C’mon out now C’mon out Mama-Chick-A-Dee.

Are the babies– The babies are gone! Guys, the babies are gone. Mama-Chick-A-Dee? What did you do with them?

Guys? I don’t trust Mama-Chick-A-Dee that much anymore. She killed her babies. Mama-Chick-A-Dee, in case you are hungry, your food and water are over there.

Good night, Mama-Chick-A-Dee! I’m going to go sleep with poo! poop. There are monsters.

Big B: [yelling] Big bottle of glue!! See!

little b: glue!

Big B: Big bottle of glue!

little b: To make a giant ball of slime!

Big B: Ten pounds.

little b: And she is ten! Don’t get some nail glue on ya! That’s a LOT of glue!

Big B: I think it’s ten pounds.

little b: If we had two gallons, it would be a MILLION!


So let’s see here. OK, I can sleep now with poop. OK, I’m going to put poo in my other hand just for poo safety. It looks nice out today.


OK, I’m going to go check on Chick-A-Dee. Chick-A-Dee! What are you doing? Trying to push out an egg?

Chick-A-Dee! Chick-A-Dee! You laid another egg! Chick-A-Dee, why wouldn’t you tell me that you had another egg? No, you’re not, Chick-A-Dee.

If you’re fat, go in the litter box. It might make you feel better.

Big B: You gave your chicken a litter box?

little b: Yes! My chicken has a litter box!


little b: I don’t care. So Chick-A-Dee, go in the litter box. There you go Chick-A-Dee. Look, OK, Chick-A-Dee, are you done yet? Yes you are.

Big B: I’m a chicken. Bawk.

little b: Chick-A-Dee. OK, Chick, there, I letted you out Chick-A-Dee, are you happy?

Big B: Look at this!

little b: It looks like she’s playing with like black nuclear waste.

Big B: I’m playing with oil. I’m playing with oil, mommy!

little b: Get away from me, child. Child! Get away! Ahh, no! Get away now! Go!

Big B: This is actually really good slime! Touch it.

little b: It’s gooey!

Big B: What do you expect? It’s slime. It’s supposed to be gooey if it’s slime.

little b: Go, I have to take care of chickens.

Big B: I thought it would be really cool to make black slime and I was very correct.

little b: OK, now take your slime and go, noo!

Big B: It’s the same color as your mouse. If you want an arm workout, make some slime with liquid starch and some glue and a little bit of water and some paint.

little b: OK, now go.

Big B: And make a lot of it. And just go like this and you get a really good arm workout.

little b: OK , now you should go. Go. Please go. Please go.

Big B: I’m watching you play that.

little b: Well, let’s just take a little bit of my drink.

Big B: This is like taffy. This is like taffy.



OK, Chick-A-Dee, what are you doing in the litter box? Good.

OK Guys, So I think that’s it for this episode. So if you enjoyed, don’t forget to give a thumbs up. Don’t forget to follow us on our social medias and also don’t forget to check out all our other channels like Bee You Neek Vlogs, Bee You Neek Toys and all of it.

And most of all, don’t forget to Bee You Neek! Bye Bye.

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